Monday, April 2, 2012

It's Raining!

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about finding a way to make these upcoming months, with me facing 20 sessions of chemotherapy, enjoyable for Maggie (age 4) and Reese (almost 3). We have decided to keep them occupied at summer camp and purchase a backyard swingset. That is, we're spending money.

Like responsible, rule-following, 30-somethings, Paul and I had set aside a couple months' salary in a savings account, "just in case..." Although I always thought that the money was for a job-loss scenario, we've decided that it's time to start spending from that account. Paul's words were, "We were saving for a rainy day, and it's RAINING!"

When a few friends began to offer us money to help us through this unexpected bump in the road, I was originally feeling uncomfortable accepting. We are not in dire straits or on the brink of financial disaster. We have a great health insurance plan (thanks, SRC!) and can make prudent choices with our money.

However, my wonderful friend Karen has relentlessly assured me that our long-distance friends WANT to help. We shouldn't have to use up our savings to have a lawn service or house cleaner this summer. I should be able to buy a pretty selection of head-scarves and new sweatpants to stay comfortable as my body changes. And the girls should enjoy some extra toys and activities to help make the changes in their lives a little easier to swallow.

Therefore, I have set up a donation widget (below) as a way for you to help if you want to. I don't think it shows up on iPads or mobile devices, but let me know if you find other glitches. The end date is the projected last session of chemotherapy for me, a light at the end of this tunnel.

All of your gestures of kindness: food, childcare, advice, hugs, emails, phone calls, and Facebook "likes" are sincerely appreciated. I am opening this up as one other way for you to help, with love to everyone for their support.

(Note 4/4/2012: We have been receiving the money you've sent, but it's not updating here. I don't know why, as I'd love to have your names scrolling across, but I just want to reassure you that this works.)

(Note 4/5/2012: Yay! It's scrolling. I didn't do anything at all. It's not mentioning Kerry H. and Karen S. because I had been using another glitchy widget, but they are just as appreciated.) 


  1. I love this widget idea! Have been trying to figure out what I can do to help from so far away!

  2. Miss Shari,
    I don't know you at all but since your blog is public I stumbled upon it from a Google Search for MyPillow reviews. I stumbled upon your blog entry titled My Pillow Hurts. I'll admit I was captivated by your story and your selfless attitude. Weird coming from a stranger I know, but all my love and wishes to you and your family. You go girl!!!! Show 'em how it's done :)
